Rob Rayburn Rob Rayburn

The Sudden Death of the Evening Service

Surely we should have a very good reason why we should abandon the practice of the Christian centuries to be in God’s house, to sing his praise and hear his Word, twice on the Lord’s holy Day.

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Craig Harris Craig Harris

Why Do Churches Need Good Administration?

Nobody becomes a pastor in order to do administration. It isn’t inspiring. It isn’t flashy. It isn't fun. And yet, whether they realize it or not, everyone appreciates it. Good administration keeps the church moving.

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Why Renew?

A Letter to CCB introducing Renew Northwest & Renew Book Company

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

A Defense of Bibliolatry, or Something like it...

It has become common for people to criticize conservative Christians for "bibliolatry"—that is, worship of the Bible. Has our esteem for the Bible turned a book, a created thing, into the object of our worship? Are we idolaters?

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Nate Walker Nate Walker

Three Tips for Planning Your Sabbatical

“I am not the Head of the church. Jesus is.” As a pastor, I had not only heard that many times, I had said it many times myself. And I really did believe it. But it left a major question unanswered for me: If I am not the Head, what part of the body of Christ am I?

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Rob Rayburn Rob Rayburn


In Holy Scripture, the corporate worship of God’s people, worship on the Lord’s Day in the Lord’s House, is the defining center and the great engine of the life of faith.

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